So beautiful-oh beautifu-ul.
Yes the purple dude had it right when he wrote that song - which was all about teva shoes - he admitted as much in a recent interview. Behold their majesty and glory.

Gnarkosi -grrrrrr (that's one of the womens on the left, others below). Yes i know i've broken my 1st rule and shown you too much (both colours in both mens and womens!) but i'm feeling generous because i've been waiting for these beauties to cross our doorstep for a long time (as many of you have). Oh man, they are a good looking shoe - built for wake skating and other watersports but i'll be wearing mine just to look like the coolest kid on the block. Which of course i am and will continue to be until you get some cooler shoes than me - then you can come and "serve" me but until that day you may as well stay at home cos my Gnarkosi's will rock your world.
Right - Mens Gnarkosi in a lovely colour called Mandrills nose/Butternut squash racket.
The fit as, as always with Teva, is spot on for most people - nice and roomy at the front with a heel oh so secure it makes me feel really safe.
Footwear and clothing companies like to attribute daft names to colours so i'm going to make my own up for all of these - if you don't like them that's ok, i will enjoy it in my tiny mind.

Right - A Mandrill

Right - A Mandrill
Ooh la la - womens in wizards gold/baboon anus. Yes i know, two simian references - it's just coincedence, don't be getting any ideas.

Another mens Gnarkosi - only this time in tarmac pie with apple and lime jus.
Mens Riva low - leather and leather.
And brown. This shoe does it all - except peel fruit for you (if you're a "peeler").
"Toachi" - pronounced "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me". Colour shown is turbot skin/old orange peel.
Nice sandals though.
"Churn" womens - a shoe for the water but you can use it for other stuff if you like - it likes it - just don't go thinking you can climb Carrauntoohill in them (that's a mountain)- oh and the colour is pavement/neon shallots/flange .
Above - Mens "Riva mid" like the Riva low but with a little more height - hence the "mid" monicker (that's like a pair of knickers only there's only one and not a pair). Colour shown is poo brown/dry poo black (it's not always white you know).

Womens "Tirra" sandal - designed for water use and surprisingly enough (as a womens sandal), the marketing informs us that it was "specifically designed for a womans foot" - well, well, wonders never cease do they. Looks nice when you're not in the water too.
Colour shown is dry stone wall/oh no Dave the streams broken through blue.
arrivaderci mes petits filous.